Rising Above the Noise
“If you’re a brand looking to build a successful content division, or just launch a site that delivers ROI, finding an editor who can handle this balancing act is imperative. Want examples of who’s killing it out there? Look at Michael Keller... ”
GE. Dell. The Environmental Defense Fund. Oxitec. The U.S. Department of Defense. Michael Keller has helped global public health and environmental nonprofits, digital industrial giants and cutting-edge biotech companies tell human stories for more than a decade.
He is fluent in the language of all media formats. A trained and experienced writer, he can produce potent content from 140 characters to 100,000 words long. With a highly tuned eye for the visual narrative, he also creates video scripts from one minute long up to five seasons of hour-long programming. He has worked with designers and visual artists to develop captivating infographics and extended animations for clients.
Diverse organizations from Ford to the Africa Center for Strategic Studies have used his content marketing and editorial strategy consulting work to build loyal and engaged audiences. Others, like Columbia University's Office of Technology Ventures and The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, have counted on him to produce time-sensitive, reported press releases, lessons-learned manuals and other corporate communications.
The content on this page represents owned media campaigns designed to engender interest, connectedness and a sense that the client is an authority and thought leader in its field. The samples also represent an ecosystem approach to content marketing, in which pieces designed to thrive on their respective platform feed into each other to collectively generate buzz and grow audience. To see how some owned media goes on to live in earned media, please see the Editorial section.
Science & Technology
On a clear July day in 1966, New York Central Railroad engineer Don Wetzel and his team boarded a specially modified Buddliner railcar. Bolted to the roof above them were two GE J47-19 jet engines. Michael Keller performed the interviews, wrote the script and edited this video.
Micro ElectroMechanical Systems, or MEMS, are electrical switches smaller than the width of a hair and appear in smartphones and other electronic devices. Despite their size, they are able to act as switches, controlling hundreds of watts, even kilowatts of power. Michael Keller performed the interviews, wrote the script and edited this video.
Can the government become entrepreneurial?
The New York Times' first paid post. It was sponsored by Dell as part of the technology company's thought leadership campaign. Article reported and written by Michael Keller. Click the image to read more.
Michael Keller was the Managing Editor of Txchnologist, an editorially independent online science and technology magazine sponsored by GE as part of its thought leadership campaign. Over three years, the Tumblr site earned more than 200,000 followers and 83 million impressions.
Dr. Dolores, PhD and cell-ebrity scientist, sneaks us inside the minds, machines and microscopes fighting deadly disease and shows for the first time one nearly complete technology ecosystem for scaling cell therapy from DIY to industrialized. GE Healthcare Facebook Live video script written and edited by Michael Keller.
Mosquito-borne disease
Over 1 million people die from mosquito-borne diseases every year, and hundreds of millions more experience pain and suffering from illnesses transmitted by mosquitoes.
Series of articles and animated infographics written by Michael Keller for Oxitec.
GE Reports
Regular contributor to GE's external-facing company blog, which saw many owned articles republished and reworked into traditional media stories.
Why is it so easy to check into a hospital but so hard to check out? The founders of Aidin, motivated by their experiences with family members, created a digital platform that speeds the discharge process and helps patients find the best post-acute care. Aidin won the Hospital Quest, a collaboration between GE and Ochsner Health System, to help address the estimated $100 billion wasted annually in healthcare inefficiencies. Michael Keller performed the interviews, wrote the script and edited this video.
Oxitec’s Guilherme Trivellato on deploying Friendly™ Aedes solution in Brazil
We spoke with Guilherme Trivellato, Oxitec’s project manager for Piracicaba, to get an update on the project. Trivellato, an agronomist with a master’s degree from the University of São Paulo
Q&A article produced by Michael Keller.
Public Health, Environmental & Other Nonprofits
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
Wrote and edited a number of press releases and internal-facing documents for the global public health nonprofit.
Environmental Defense Fund
Green data centers give businesses an edge
The explosion of data – and the businesses that rely on it – demand reliability and efficiency. Consider this opportunity. Article and interactive quiz produced ]by Michael Keller.
Girl Rising
Changing the Future of Peru
The Peruvian branch of CARE, a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty, has been working to improve education in the country for the past 7 years.
Africa Center for Strategic Studies
U.S. Government Lends More Hands To Help Fight Against LRA Humanitarian Crisis
She came into the meeting room, in front of important ministers, intelligence chiefs, permanent secretaries and other government people, to forgive him. Though his soldiers had cut her lips off, she was still prepared to offer the ultimate act of charity—to absolve him of this mutilation—for the possibility of peace.
But Joseph Kony, the self-proclaimed profit and leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army, never showed.
The government of Uganda had brought her to the 2006 peace talks along with its most important military and civilian leaders to show how serious they were about ending the decades of terror the LRA had been enacting on the villages in the north of the country.
“Outstanding reportage on the Lord’s Resistance Army, Uganda, and U.S. perceptions/approaches. Thanks for the fine writing.”
Honorable Mention, Two Categories [Best Blog and Best Digital PR Campaign ($100K-200K)] - PR News Digital PR Awards
The Best Brand Content - Digiday
The Best Branded Content - Contently
Year in Review-Top Sponsored Posts - Tumblr